Since the advent of the affluent society, humanity has been faced with unprecedented problems. If for centuries, it was malnutrition that limited the development of the species, today we are all overwhelmed with food in Western countries. However, the quality of cheap products and therefore accessibility to the majority is problematic and can even generate cases of being overweight. How then to lose kilos while eating balanced and healthy meals? With the Diet Box of course!
Is dieting outdated?
In the decades before the turn of the century, there were countless cooking shows, fitness programs, or time slots dedicated to teleshopping that extolled the merits of this or that diet. But little by little, these veritable institutions, followed by thousands of those who were then shamelessly called “housewives over fifty,” disappeared from the French audiovisual landscape. And we no longer hear about these famous miracle diets.
However, the question of inner well-being through body acceptance has never been so essential in a world where image has become paramount. In addition, the now undeniable ecological emergencies are pushing more and more consumers to question their practices and in particular their eating habits. Many are therefore looking for a way to lose weight by eating healthily and the diet box meets all their expectations.
Losing weight while eating balanced and healthy meals is possible!
Contrary to what old diets suggested, food deprivation, or at least limited quantities, is generally counterproductive when trying to lose weight. Indeed, the frustration generated necessarily forces the individual to transfer his desires either to “comfort” foods and therefore very rich in fats or sugars, or to destructive activities or behaviors.
We now know that it is possible to lose weight while eating hearty portions. However, this does not mean that you can do anything. To lose weight, you will of course have to do physical activities, but also and above all eat healthily and balanced. And this is not so simple when you do not know how to cook or do not have the time. Fortunately, with the Diet Box, you can enjoy tasty and healthy cuisine without having to prepare it!
The Diet Box, the ideal solution
If the Diet Box is ideal for losing weight while eating without depriving yourself, it is first of all because the quality of the products and the cuisine is optimal here. La Brigade de Véro, which offers the Diet Box, is above all the result of the awareness of a woman who, faced with the mediocre quality of the diets offered, decided to launch her brand by cooking dishes that are both tasty and healthy!
To go further, the Brigade de Véro has even decided to offer this Diet Box for sending. The idea here is to receive at home , and on the day of the week that suits us, all the dishes to enjoy throughout the week. We can choose the number of dishes per day and even avoid certain particular foods like meat or fish! An ideal tool therefore to lose weight while enjoying yourself, but also to adjust your needs, for example when you don’t know what to eat after a hysterectomy.